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MLS & Toronto FC Standings
Up to date MLS and Toronto FC standings from numerous sources including traditional and expanded standings
The CF Montreal Aggregator Library contains links to more permanent resources about the CF Montreal. See live schedules and statistics, team rosters and payroll, team history, prospects, jobs, photos and much more.
Live MLS Standings
Live Major League Soccer standings updating every 30 seconds, with rank, games, wins, losses, ties, goals, and more
Toronto FCMajor League Soccer Standings
Up to date Major League Soccer standings with won/loss records, goal differential, home and away, and points
ESPNMajor League Soccer Table
Major League Soccer standings by conference with games, points, wins, losses, ties, goals, and more
MLSMLS Standings
Year by year standings from the official site with games, points, wins, losses, ties, goals, home and away, and more
TSNMLS Standings: Conference
Major League Soccer standings from TSN with won/loss record, goal differential, home and away, pints, and more